SuperRatings has designed a range of products offering comprehensive analysis of the superannuation industry. Our information is accessible from your computer or tablet, updated in real time and enables users to extract and compile the data when required.
SMART Superannuation Market Analysis Research Technology
Refreshed daily, SMART allows you to assess & compare super funds in a user-friendly, interactive environment. Application based for easy navigation, users can research the latest fund dynamics and benchmark key features including:
- Membership statistics, fund size, service providers
- Compare the key features of up to 3 funds, side by side
- Review insurance costs, terms & conditions plus AALs
- Analyse & model investment performance by fund and option
- Appraise & measure fees and costs
- Save searches, print and export output results to excel
SMART’s unique new panelling system provides you with the means to analyse, evaluate and compare super and pension products across all areas of a fund structure. It’s easy portability (internet connection) and saveable search function, enables output to be readily utilised both internally and externally. SMART has the following applications:
- Funds
- Products
- Fees
- Insurance
- Investment
- Product Comparison
- Library
Interested in more information? Please download our SMART flyer.
Fund Crediting Rate Survey
The Fund Crediting Rate Survey application provides you with the most thorough and relevant accumulation and pension return information in the superannuation industry.
All major investment options are ranked and returns calculated from 1 month up to 10 years, allowing performance to be benchmarked over many time periods. You can also customise and save surveys specifically to your needs, using a number of variables including asset ratio, time period, and option type.
Produced monthly, each survey publishes returns for well over 1,800 super and pension investment options across the Industry, Retail, Public and Corporate sectors. A subscription package includes:
- 5 surveys emailed on the 20th of each month
- Traditional and sustainable performance surveys, grouped by Growth Asset Ratio
- Outperformance of CPI and Investment objectives surveys
- Standard risk measured performance surveys
- Online customisation function – create your own peer groups, medians and benchmarks
- Access to published returns for over 1,000 super & 800 pension investment options
- Historical surveys dating back to November 2006
- Risk and volatility measures
For more information? Please click here FCRS flyer.
Asset Allocation
The Asset Allocation Application is a dynamic tool providing access to current and historical product asset allocation data for more than 6,000 investment options.
Features and functionality include:
- ‘Actual’, ‘benchmark’ and 'range' allocations available
- Current and historical data
- The ability to refine and filter searches by growth/defensive ratios, option and default
- Save searches and/or export results to excel
- Review investment objectives and print asset allocation summary
- Upwards of 20 asset classes available
For more information? Please click here Asset Allocation flyer
Track quarterly and annual fund and product growth relative to your peers.
The SuperRatings Statistics Application takes superannuation research to a new level offering comprehensive Surveys and comparative Reports that detail growth in:
- Funds Under Management
- Membership
- Contribution flows.
With this application, not only do we deliver the ‘story’ behind the data, but we deliver it accurately and more timely than elsewhere in the industry. Data is refreshed on a quarterly basis at a fund and product level, and both current and historical data is available. Refreshed data is available within six weeks of the preceding quarter.
From a selection universe of over 180 major trusts and over 470 products from across industry, retail, corporate and government sectors, surveys and comparison reports can be generated and tracked across:
- FUM, member, employer, active member ratio and average account balance
- Cashflow including inflow, outflow and percentage of assets
- Cost per member and Management Expense Ratios
- Comparison reports are available, including charts.
For more information please click here Statistics flyer
Interested in more information?
Phillip Hunt on 0404 846 366 or
For more information please fill out an expression of interest form.
SuperRatings provides data to the superannuation and pension comparison site RateCity. For more information, please go to