By comparing fund with fund, we are able to see the funds that perform best in the key area of investment returns.
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Rank | Fund Investment Option | Return | Return Period |
1 | HOSTPLUS - Balanced | 10.13% | 3 year |
2 | AustralianSuper - Balanced | 9.63% | 3 year |
3 | Cbus - Growth (Cbus MySuper) | 9.44% | 3 year |
4 | Catholic Super - Balanced (MySuper) | 9.18% | 3 year |
5 | MTAA Super - My AutoSuper | 9.02% | 3 year |
6 | Sunsuper for Life - Balanced | 8.97% | 3 year |
7 | CareSuper - Balanced | 8.89% | 3 year |
8 | Club Plus Super - MySuper | 8.51% | 3 year |
9 | Intrust Core Super - MySuper | 8.49% | 3 year |
10 | AustSafe Super - MySuper (Balanced) | 8.38% | 3 year |
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Rankings shown from 31 July 2015 onwards are based on the options within SuperRatings’ Indices.