Accumulation Benchmark Reports
A thorough assessment of your fund's positioning, including unparalleled identification of new opportunities, trends and threats.
Pension Benchmark Reports
A thorough assessment of where a funds’ post retirement product compares to peers and industry best practice.
Infinity Report
A comprehensive report on the sustainable practices of the superannuation industry, including attitudes, approaches and investment behaviours.
Accumulation Benchmark Reports
Each report analyses over 300 points of fund operations, including a quantitative and qualitative review of growth metrics, investments, administration, fees, member services, advice, education and insurance structures.
Used by the industry's leading Australian funds, our Benchmark Reports continue to be a critical tool in relation to ongoing management of funds. This includes strategic planning, self-assessment, compliance and product positioning. Formally presented, our benchmark peer review service is an ongoing reference for all users.
To understand the benefits of a Benchmark report to your fund, download our Benchmark Report flyer.
Pension Benchmark Reports
With the first wave of babyboomers now over 65, an unprecedented number of fund members are moving from accumulation phase to retirement income streams. As they do, pensions will play a vital role in ensuring funds maintain a strong asset base and retention will be key.
Our Pension Benchmark reports offer a thorough assessment of emerging trends and where your pension product stands against industry best practice. An ideal supplement to our Accumulation version, the tailored report provides all the data necessary to ensure you offer a competitive retirement product and, ultimately, retain and attract high-balance members.
To understand the benefits of a Pension Benchmark report to your fund, download our Pension Benchmark Report flyer.
Infinity Report
In recent years, more funds have taken an active stance on issues of sustainability, changing the behaviour of not only investee companies, but also their own operations. More than ever, funds are taking into account environmental, social and ethical factors prior to selecting investments; member education within sustainable super and responsible investment has widened and most notably the internal business practices of funds have become more sustainable, particularly within recycling policies.
It is advantageous that superannuation funds' business practices are sustainable. A SuperRatings' Infinity Report delivers an in depth synopsis of those funds that are delivering sustainably, as well as those that are at the forefront of our industry.
Interested in more information?
Phillip Hunt on 0404 846 366 or
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